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Giving back to others


A few weeks ago I saw this picture and remembered where I was years ago, A single mother with a young daughter. 

Nights came and go leave me constantly crying myself to sleep and thinking about paying my bills and buying groceries.

I laterally lived on a budget to make sure everything was paid. I kept it all to myself instead of asking for help, but I was lucky enough to have a great job.

Years have pasted and I was  able to pull myself out of that place  between choosing a roof over our heads and groceries. 

Now that I am able to give back to the SINGLE PARENTS/FAMILIES so they can worry about one less thing, I knew I needed to teach my daughter to give back to others.

My challenge this Christmas is to get as many of my friends to pick items/similar items from the picture and fill a box(GET YOUR KIDS INVOLVED), and post your box on your social media (challenge your friends/followers too). This year especially we should be giving back because of the pandemic, imagine there are families out there who have to choose between a roof, bills and groceries. Plus families with young children who may not understand what's going on and mom/dad can not afford a toy or food on Christmas morning. WE CAN HELP ! 



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